Our relationship is complicated with my DH's family. We live 3 hours away from both of our families but see my family at least every 1-2 months and more frequently depending on birthdays, celebrations, or other special events. We are lucky to see his family 1-2 each year...no matter what.
Faceb.ook has been really nice to be able to connect with everyone and stay up to date on what's happening in their lives. We have a closed family group for DH's family and they post things there every now and then. Well, one of my SILs took it upon herself to post the DETAILS of our ET last week on the closed group.
At first, I was pissed and now, after a few days, I'm hurt. Hurt that the info she posted is ours to share, not hers. It is what I chose to share with her, MIL, and other SIL in a text from me to them. Not to the rest of the aunts, uncles, and cousins. I haven't told my DH because I know he'll be pissed and this will be one more thing that pushes him away from them. Here is her post:
My dearest family members:
I don't know how much you all know, but I wanted to share this with you because I know they need all the hope and prayers they can get! You may or may not know that N and A are in XYZ again trying for a baby. They have been there since Thanksgiving weekend. They had 7 embryos growing strong and yesterday they transferred 3 of them. 4 of them didn't make it. They are ranked by condition, 1 being GREAT, 1 being GOOD, and 1 that was a day behind. Now we just hope and pray and hope and pray some more! They get a blood test done next Thursday. We are praying for a Christmas Miracle that the procedure will be successful. They could be there through Christmas or longer if everything stays successful. So continue to hope and pray for them and their little embryos! We love you N & A!
When I read it, I know she had nothing but good intentions to gather more support for us. But damn, this crap is hard enough without putting this detail out for everyone to read. I would have NEVER chose to give them that much detail about the embies - she basically copied my text about the embryos. Most of these people probably have NEVER heard the word "embryo" before, that do not have a clue about IVF, or the process. I'm sure some of them think we'll have triplets because we transferred 3.
Anyways, I have been contemplating - do I respond? to just her? to everyone? Let it go? I've been trying not to think about it because right now is not the time I need worry. I mean, it is what it is. It's done. But I feel like she stepped over the line.
Today is 5dp5dt. I have been really tired the past few days and just lounged around. I had twinges off and on yesterday...hoping that means at least one of these embabies is sticking around!